Are Massage Chairs Worth It? Are Better Solutions Out There?

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Massage chairs are useful orthotic equipment that has found their way into many homes (as well as every shopping mall in the world).

Today, they are recommended for many who suffer from chronic body pains or want to relax. But are massage chairs worth it? They’re not cheap, and they take up a lot of space!

Do they offer as many value as promised by manufacturers and sellers? Let’s look at them, and at some alternatives.

Massage Chairs 101

Massage chairs have evolved and have grown in popularity over the years. They’re commonly seen in shopping malls. There are now many brands considered standards in the industry, including Ideal Massage chairs.

There are loads of options out there, and prices can go from fairly reasonable chairs to the many-thousands-of-dollars models.

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How many massage therapy sessions could you get for the price of that baby?

Modern massage chairs have sensors that target the stress points in the body. It is a combination of heat and kneading technology to massage deep body tissues and muscles.

They are quite effective. Areas you would not be able to access on your own will can be accessed by a quality massage chair or an electric massage chair.

But over the years, there have been arguments for and against the use of massage chairs.

Those in favor of the use of quality massage chairs argue that it offers users massage therapy in the comfort of their homes. But on the other hand, there are many small-scale home massages like massage guns, neck massagers, and back massagers that can easily be stored when not in use.

Others against it argue that using a massage chair is nothing compared to the value of going to a massage therapist for a real full-body massage.

Is a Massage Chair the Best Solution For You?

Below we review the pros and cons of massage chairs:

Massage Chair Pros

1. Easy Access

The greatest pro of having a massage chair at home is easy to access.

Many of us lead busy and stressful lives, and we lack time to visit a chiropractor or a massage parlor for a session. But if you have a massage chair, you can use it at short notice and enjoy the fitness and wellness it provides.

Rather than stop your schedule to keep an appointment with a therapist, a massage chair can do the job. The easy access is what makes a massage chair worth it for massage therapy.

The greatest pro of having a massage chair at home is easy to access. Many of us lead busy and stressful lives, and we lack time to visit a chiropractor or a massage parlor for a session. But if you have a massage chair, you can use it at short notice and enjoy the fitness and wellness it provides.

2. Quick Action

Massage chairs have different timer settings and work according to the setting initiated.

They are ideal for massage treatment and have different timer settings like 10, 20,30 minutes. And even an hour or more settings you can initiate.

For a short session, you can opt for a 10 or 20 minutes session. This is before getting ready for work depending on the chronic pain you feel.

While short sessions will not give you the long-lasting relief you desire for chronic pain, working your body daily, even for a few minutes, will eliminate the pains and keep you fit long-term. These chairs are worth the money.

3. Cost-effective

Massage chairs worth the money offer long-term value. Rather than pay exorbitant fees for a massage, you can make a down payment for a chair and use it for a very long time.

Massage Chair Cons

1. Not As Effective as Hands-On Massages

The biggest criticism of massage chairs is raised by massage therapists. They argue that massage chairs are not as effective for deep tissue relaxing massage.

While modern technological advancement has made them much better massage tracks than they’ve ever been. But nothing beats the value of a full body massage session delivered by a trained specialist.

The slow and confident strokes offered by a therapist offer an immersive experience.

They argue that buying a massage chair is ineffective. This is because the sensors will not know which body area to apply pressure on during the massage. As well as how much pressure is needed for heat therapy.

2. Inability to Use Massage Oil

Most massage chairs do not use massage oils that therapists use. These oils have healing benefits. These oils not only calm the muscles but the senses too. So buying a massage chair worth the money that will not use essential oils is counterproductive according to the critics.

3. Size and Awkwardness

Massage chairs are big and bulky, and they’re not exactly stylish. We highly doubt there’s ever been a massage chair on the cover of Yoga Journal, Dwell, or Architectural Digest.

They’re functional, but definitely not pretty!

Massage chairs are big and bulky, and they’re not exactly stylish.

Also, there are many other similar options to massage chairs that are much smaller and more convenient. They aren’t as powerful, but you can easily store your handheld massager or neck massager in the closet when not in use.

You’ll need a big closet to store your massage chair!

4. Side Effects and Lack of Oversight

Some people do experience side effects from massage chairs. And everything is mechanical, so there’s no one to talk to or give feedback to if you’re not feeling right. If you’re pregnant, you should avoid massage chairs.

A true massage is an intense experience, sometimes even spiritual. And while we see the advantages of having a powerful massage any time you want, the reality is that a real massage on a massage table from a real human is going to be 100X more useful.

The reality is that a real massage on a massage table from a real human is going to be 100X more useful.

Are Massage Chairs Worth It, In the End?

Having reviewed the arguments for and against the use of massage chairs, and whether a massage chair worth buying? The answer depends on your need and experience.

If you are not going to use the chair often, then there is no point in getting one. Secondly, certain conditions like sciatica require the attention of an expert therapist to identify muscular areas of extreme stress and work those areas until the muscles become flexible again.

But that is not to say that massage chairs are not worth it. If a massage chair is right for your space, and you just don’t see yourself going to get a professional massage regularly, then go for it and pick up a chair.

You should get a massage chair if:

  • You have not had a massage in months
  • You suffer from frequent back, neck, foot, shoulder, and hip pain
  • You find it hard to sleep
  • You suffer from frequent headaches
  • You are often stressed out

If you know yourself and you know that, for whatever reason, you just won’t go to a spa or massage parlor, then a massage chair may be your best solution.