If you enjoy having a sauna because it makes you feel good, then you’ll already know that they are great way to cleanse your body through extensive sweating, especially if you’re using an infrared sauna.
However, what kinds of chemicals can be excreted through your sweat? For example, if you have to undergo random drug testing, you may be wondering: can you sweat out drugs in a sauna?
The short answer is no, drugs and alcohol will not be purged from the body in a sauna. But it depends on the substance, as some are excreted through sweat. And a sauna can make you feel better if you’ve got a hangover, for example.
Read on for details!
Can You Sweat Out Drugs In A Sauna?
Releasing chemicals and drugs from the body is generally down to how your body’s endocrine system functions. So the answer to whether you can sweat out drugs in a sauna is yes and no, because the way your body works is quite complicated.
Releasing chemicals and drugs from the body is generally down to how your body’s endocrine system functions, so the answer to whether you can sweat out drugs in a sauna is yes and no because the way your body works is quite complicated.
Your endocrine system, which includes glands and internal organs like your liver and kidneys, is the mechanism of the body that works to flush out toxins.
And it’s through your kidneys and liver that the vast majority of detoxification, especially from drugs, happens in the body.
The expulsion of drugs after the detox process will happen when you urinate and defecate.
If your workplace has a drug testing policy, then you will know that in order to detect a certain chemical compound in the body, they are usually done by taking a urine sample. That’s because this method is far more reliable at detecting drug levels in the body.
Your liver, which is in charge of most of the detoxification that happens in your body, does the most work. And if there are a lot of drugs and other toxins in your bloodstream, then it can become overwhelmed and overworked.
This is exactly what happens when you drink too much alcohol and end up with a hangover. The pain that you feel during a hangover is from the dehydrating effect of the alcohol, which results in the liver having to work extra hard to process this toxin.
And yes, alcohol is a toxin! When you sauna after alcohol, it could potentially dehydrate you further if you’re not drinking enough water.
Your skin is your largest organ, and it helps to support your liver when you sweat from exercising. It helps to increase the circulation of blood and lymph flow. This process helps the liver to recuperate from being overworked.
Therefore, although you can’t technically sweat drugs out of your body from a sauna, excessive sweating will support your liver in processing any drugs that are in your system.
Although you can’t technically sweat drugs out of your body from a sauna, excessive sweating will support your liver in processing any drugs that are in your system.
How To Use A Sauna To Support Drug Withdrawal
If you are wanting to stop using a certain drug, whether it’s by prescription or used recreationally, then you may experience some withdrawal symptoms if you’re a heavy user. And this process definitely isn’t a comfortable one!
It can take days for your liver and kidneys to process drugs during a withdrawal, which can cause cravings, as well as pain in your body. This is why many people relapse and go back to using again because the discomfort they feel overrides the willpower that they have to quit.
It can take days for your liver and kidneys to process drugs during a withdrawal, which can cause cravings, as well as pain in your body. This is why many people relapse and go back to using again because the discomfort they feel overrides the willpower that they have to quit.
However, it is entirely possible to help your body process withdrawal symptoms through urine and sweat, so using a sauna could help support you in this.
Although the sauna itself won’t offer any technical benefit when it comes to helping your body excrete toxins from drugs, some people may find using a sauna to be a soothing experience during the withdrawal process.
That’s because some drug withdrawal symptoms can cause muscle and joint pain, and the high temperatures in a sauna can help relieve these. This means saunas can be a great supportive tool for getting through the drug withdrawal process.
It Does Depend On The Drug
Of course, everything is different and drugs are no exception. For example, morphine and methamphetamine are two drugs that have been discovered by the US Department of Justice to be excreted through sweat.
Sulfadiazine, which is an antibiotic that is used to fight bacteria; antipyrine, also known as phenazone, is used to treat inner ear infections; and aminopyrine, also called Metamizole, which helps to relieve both persistent and severe pain and fever, has also been shown to do the same.
In addition, opioids, benzodiazepines, THC, cocaine, and heroin, have also been detected in both the saliva and sweat of some people in scientific studies.
Therefore, it can be said that you can sweat out drugs in a sauna.
However, as we’ve mentioned before, it’s your liver that will do the main work to get these toxins out of your body. But you can support your liver in the detoxification process by allowing yourself to relax from withdrawal symptoms by excessive sweating during a sauna session.
While in theory, you may be able to sweat out some amount of drugs and toxins in a sauna, it’s probably not enough to make a difference. For example, a sauna won’t change the results of a drug test.
That said, saunas are often great for healing, restoration, and health. Just be sure you are drinking enough water!