Sauna Yoga: Asanas in the Sauna

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Yoga is a good practice that improves the physical body and mind. It is a relaxing and stress-relieving activity, just like sitting in a sauna. Many of us know of hot yoga, where the temperature of the room is dialed in at somewhere around 90-108′.

But you can go hotter than that! Did you know that there’s a type of yoga that can be done in a sauna, where temperatures can go to 140, or even 190?

Sauna Yoga or can be even more intense than hot yoga, as the temperatures are higher. This is because the environment is quite hot, so it helps with better stretching of your muscles while soothing the mind. 

With several types of saunas available, what saunas are good for yoga? Well, the best to use would be an infrared sauna, that’s because is easier to control the temperature of these types as compared to the two others.

In this article, we’ll discuss how sauna yoga works, and give a few recommendations for saunas to check out!

Sauna Yoga 101

Yoga famously originated in India, but has spread across the world. Saunas originated in Scandanavia, and have also spread across the world. Now both are everywhere, and have been mashed up!

Some yogas are done in specialized studios that have a carefully controlled temperature.

Usually, the studio is kept at around 105 degrees when hot yoga is done. 

Some people may call refer to hot yoga as Bikram yoga. Different studios may call the activity, by different names but they simply mean the same thing. 

In hot yoga classes, the goal is to make people sweat as they do various yoga poses in a hot studio. When yoga is done in a warm environment, sweating is increased, and most find that flexibility is improved. Many feel significant benefits from hot yoga on their immune system, similar to the experience of a sauna.

Although many people like doing hot yoga in studios with the class, there are some who prefer to do it in the privacy of their own homes. 

The good news is that you don’t need to do hot yoga in a studio with other people, you can do it in your sauna, at temperatures significantly higher than even a hot yoga class!

However, your practice sessions will likely be much shorter in a sauna. 

Your practice sessions will likely be much shorter in a sauna. 

What Saunas Are Good For Yoga?

You can use whatever type of sauna you prefer to use when doing your yoga. The biggest issue for yoga in a home sauna is space. Home saunas are often small, and you may need a 3-4 person sauna to be able to do an Asana

1. Sauna Size

Barrel Sauna Kit

Different saunas come in various shapes and sizes. When it comes to doing yoga in a sauna, you’ll need to consider your space requirements carefully.

Most home saunas are really small, and built-in benches take up space, as well. Even 4-6 person saunas can be really tight when doing planks and other floor poses.

Barrel saunas are often a better solution, as they are generally a little bigger with decent headroom.

Also check to see if the built-in benches in your sauna of choice are removable.

2. Humidity And Temperature

Another thing to consider is the humidity and temperature of the sauna you are going to use. It is generally recommended that you use an infrared sauna, because you can easily control the temperature using a digital controller. 

Infrared saunas have adjustable temperatures, and usually max out at around 140′. You can keep your infrared sauna on the lowest temperature setting in order to mimic a hot yoga class, or try pushing the temperature up a bit. Be sure to shorten your sessions and drink lots of water if you do this.

The traditional saunas could heat up to 190 degrees, and they’re often harder to run at a lower temperature. Comparing that to the 105 degrees that studios usually have, that temperature can feel very high. 

When the temperature is too hot, you may not be able to do all of the poses as you would in a class. Higher sauna temperatures mean that your body heats up faster. In that case, it is best to do a few poses then sit down and just rest. 

Don’t push yourself to do all the posses all the time. As you progress, you can adjust but make sure that you consider how you are feeling. Take your time and rest. 

Don’t push yourself to do all the posses all the time. As you progress, you can adjust but make sure that you consider how you are feeling. Take your time and rest. 

Tips For Doing Yoga In The Sauna

Whether it is your first time or not, doing yoga in the sauna could involve risks if you don’t do it properly. However, if you do it properly, you get to enjoy the many benefits it brings. Here are some tips on doing yoga in the sauna. 

1. Set The Right Temperature

One of the first things that you have to do is to set it at the right temperature. Although traditional saunas can reach up to 195 degrees, that doesn’t mean that you should do yoga at that temperature. 

Set it to a lower temperature to as close to 105′ as possible so that you are still comfortable, are still able to do the poses, and get the benefits of using a sauna. One of the best things about having an infrared or electric sauna is being able to set it to the right temperature easily. 

One of the best things about having an infrared or electric sauna is being able to set it to the right temperature easily. 

2. Keep Yourself Hydrated

Young woman is doing yoga meditation

Being in the sauna and doing yoga will make you sweat and lose water in your body. It is best to drink enough fluids before, during, and after your session to prevent your body from being dehydrated. 

3. Know Your Limits

If you are new to doing yoga in the sauna, make sure that you listen to your body properly, Make sure that you know your limits. Don’t push yourself too much because you will eventually improve. 

If you are already feeling lightheaded or overwhelmed, you should consider taking a break. Doing a child’s pose is a good break. If you are already feeling dizzy, faint, or unwell, it would be best to leave the sauna quickly. 

Take breaks and meditate in the sauna to calm your body.

4. Consider Your Tight Quarters

Most likely you’re going to be doing yoga in tight quarters in a home sauna. Think about the poses you’ll want to do, and focus more on stretching than strength training. That probably means fewer floor poses and planks, and more twists, pidgeons, and sitting poses.

Sauna yoga really shines when it comes to stretching, so focus on these poses.

5. Know How To Care For Your Body After The Yoga Session

It isn’t enough that you know how to do yoga in the sauna. You need to be sure to take care of your body after doing yoga in a sauna. 

If you are familiar with post-sauna care, then you should do that after you do yoga in a sauna. This involves taking a cool shower to help your temperature lower and get back to normal. A sauna cold plunge routine can be extremely powerful

You should make sure that you hydrate your body well after the session to replace the liquids that were lost. Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeinated drinks after the session as they are diuretics and will increase the amount of fluid that you release through your urine.


Saunas are great for athletes, and sauna yoga can really improve stretching ability and soothe sore muscles. Just remember that while heat makes stretching easier, you may be more prone to hurting yourself by pushing too far. Don’t be foolish, and listen to your body.

Good luck with your home sauna yoga!