Do Essential Oils Freeze?

In all likelihood, you are probably wondering if essential oils freeze because you’ve either tried or heard about the essential oil “freezer test”. It’s a test that has been promoted all over the Internet to check if your essential oil is pure.

Do essential oils freeze?

According to those promoting this test, pure essential oils don’t freeze.  So the premise is: place your essential oils in the freezer and if they freeze… you have impure oils.

Before we go any further, we want to thank and congratulate you for actually taking the time to investigate and find out more information before you believe everything you read online. The last thing the world needs is people believing something they read and reposting it before they have gathered all the facts, and continuing the cycle of misinformation.

As to the question do essential oils freeze? we’re going to find out. The answer might surprise you!

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Do Essential Oils Evaporate?

The use of essential oil dates back thousands of years. Today, the practice has evolved into a multi-billion dollar industry. It’s no wonder it’s so profitable when a 15ml bottle of high-quality pure essential oil can cost anywhere from $8 to over $20!

With that in mind, it’s understandable that you’d want to know – do essential oils evaporate? – to make sure that the big bucks you’ve shelled out for your micro-bottle of essential oil are not literally evaporating into thin air.

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Can Essential Oils Attract Bears?

Anyone who lives in or has camped in bear country knows that precautions are necessary.  

Bears have an extremely good sense of smell. According to the National Institute of environmental health, Bears are thought to have the best sense of smell of any animal on earth. A bloodhound’s sense of smell is 300 times better than a human’s. To compare, a bear’s sense of smell is 7 times better than a bloodhound’s and 2100 times better than a human’s!

The best way to prevent attracting bears is to understand what smells to avoid. This is where we get into essential oils. Can essential oils attract bears?

The fact is, bears are normally shy creatures who try to avoid humans and only act aggressively when they feel threatened. The best way to avoid a bear encounter is to make sure you aren’t doing anything to attract them in the first place. This way you’ll never find yourself between a bear and its cubs or food… or worst-case scenario, making them think you’re food!

After all, essential oils are used specifically to produce concentrated smells. You want to make sure that you are not inadvertently attracting bears to your home or campsite if you are using them.

What smells are bears attracted to?

Bottom line is that bears are attracted to almost anything that smells. From garbage, empty beverage cans and dirty diapers to perfumes, sweets, fruit and toothpaste. They are not very discerning, but they are extremely inquisitive. If a bear smells something different in its environment, it may want tocome and check it out.

Some of the smells that bears seem to be the most attracted to (but are not limited to) are the following:

  • Bacon (who can blame them!)
  • Sweets
  • Fruits
  • Grease
  • Licorice
  • Vanilla
  • Fish
  • Raw Meats
  • Peanut Butter
  • Fermented Food
  • Onions and Garlic
  • Popcorn 
  • Cheese
  • Coffee
  • Pet Food
  • Toothpaste
  • Fragranced cosmetics, detergents, lotions, sunscreen, essential oils

Can Essential Oils Attract Bears?

The short answer is yes, essential oils can attract bears.

If you are camping in bear country, most campsites will provide you with a checklist of things to do and not to do to minimize the chances of attracting bears. That list commonly includes information on how to store food, how to clean up and dispose of garbage after eating, comments about never having food or cosmetics in your tent, etc.

If you are just going camping, it’s probably best to leave the essential oils at home. You will survive a weekend without your essential oils, I promise!

But if you actually live in bear country, you probably already know that you don’t put your garbage out the night before to be picked up the next morning or leave the dog food outside, and you know enough to have a bear-proof compost container.

But what if you want to relax out on your screened-in porch in the evening and enjoy a cup of tea with your essential oil diffuser? Are you unwittingly attracting bears?

Given the fact that bears like almost everything that smells pungent, essential oils can most definitely attract bears. Essential oil wafting out from your house, campsite or from you is in effect telling bears that there is an abundance of whatever scent is present.

If it’s a scent they find particularly intriguing — which is most of them — you are essentially ringing a dinner bell.

Though there are some scents that bears don’t like (we will get to those in a minute), any essential oils that smell sweet, fruity, flowery, minty, and like vanilla or licorice could attract bears. These are among the scents they find most appealing.

Do any smells deter bears?

Now among the smells that deter bears, like bleach, ammonia, and cider vinegar, pine oil or anything pine-scented can also help as a bear deterrent. It doesn’t necessarily have to be essential pine oil.

Bears don’t like the smell of anything that has a pine scent, like a pine cleaner.

DO NOT mix any of the above ingredients in an attempt to make a super-strong bear repellent! Mixing ammonia and bleach will produce fumes so toxic that they can kill you.

How to make and use a bear deterrent

Mix 6 to 8 drops of essential pine oil to every cup of water.

A mix of 1 cup water and 1 cup Pinesol in a spray bottle will also do the trick. Just make sure that if you are using a pine cleaner, it does not also have a lemony or “fresh” scent added, otherwise it may actually attract bears.

At home, spray the prepared pine oil solution inside your garbage container, around your composter and porch areas. Not only does it smell nice and bears don’t like it, it can also be used as a weed killer. Just be careful not to spray plants.

If you are going camping, you can spray your pine solution on a cloth and tie it on your backpack. Take another cloth with the pine solution and place it near your food storage area (use the cloth – do not spray it around food!). You can also spray the solution around your campsite area.

Important note: Just because you made a ‘bear deterrent’ does not mean you can have food in your tent or burn essential oils to your heart’s content. The pine solution is meant as an extra precaution, not as an alternative.

Bears may not like the scent of pine, but if you have something that smells even stronger (or better) than your pine solution, the bear’s keen sense of smell will pick it up and he may come looking for it, despite your pine deterrent.

Just a note on bear pepper spray: although bear spray is a great tool to have in case of emergency, it’s not the scent that deters bears – it’s spraying it in their face. Hopefully, you never have to be that close to a bear to have to use it.

Bear pepper spray should not be used to try to keep bears away from a campsite by spraying around the area. The scent, if it’s left to dry, may actually attract bears.

Take Away

If you are camping in a campground, follow the ‘bear country’ guidelines. If you are camping in the middle of nowhere in the woods, keep all food and toiletries in sealed containers and away from your tent. With the possible exception of pine oil, leave the rest of the essential oils at home.

If you live in bear country, the smell of essential oils wafting from your house could attract bears. Avoid any essential oils that have a sweet, fruity, flowery, minty, vanilla, or licorice smell.

Being bear-smart and avoiding the things that attract bears in the first place is the best way to avoid encounters.

See also:

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Where to Buy Incense Locally and Online

Whether you want to increase your spirituality, improve focus, practice mindfulness, or simply freshen up your space using unique fragrances, you need to buy pure and high-quality incense. Unfortunately, finding the right kind of incense is not always easy.

The local and online market is flooded with low-quality incense that neither smells good nor provides the spiritual and stress-busting benefits of incense. But don’t worry. We have compiled a detailed guide on where to buy incense locally and online. Read on to check out some of the best places you can purchase incense.   

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Sauna Temperature

Can I Sauna Twice a Day?

One of the most popular questions that is asked at a sauna parlor is how long and how often I can use the sauna and if one can use the sauna twice in one day. While there is no definite answer to this question, there are certain things you need to keep in mind before you head to a sauna. 

Once you get used to the sauna, it becomes a little bit addictive. Yeah, we know. Many wonder how often they can use the sauna. But some wonder Can I sauna twice a day? That depends on your circumstances. If you’re healthy and experienced using the sauna, going in twice per day can be beneficial. But if you’re just starting out, take it slow and stick to one sauna session per day.

You must have heard how the Finns like to take part in a relaxing sauna session twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. However, you must understand that their bodies have become accustomed to using the sauna twice in one day since they have been doing so for a long time. For a beginner, using the sauna too often is not recommended.

In this blog, we will shed light on the different types of saunas and discuss how often you can use each one of them to make the most of them. 

Using a Sauna: Types of Saunas

To determine whether you can use the sauna twice in one day, you must first consider the type of sauna you’re working with. Remember that there are different types of saunas:

1) Traditional Sauna

A traditional sauna is a wooden cabin, heated with the help of a wood or electric stove. The average temperature in a traditional sauna is between 160 and 194 degrees Fahrenheit. Pouring water over the hot sauna rocks increases the humidity in the sauna, producing a dynamic wet/dry environment. Essential oils often are used to provide a relaxing experience. 

If you are a beginner, you should stay in a traditional sauna for no more than 15 minutes and attend 3 to 4 sessions a week. This frequency can be increased once your body adjusts to the high temperature and humidity in a traditional sauna. 

2) Infrared Sauna

An infrared sauna is a small room (or occasionally a tent) with infrared heat emitters that increase the temperature in the cabin and keep it between 100 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

The temperature of an infrared sauna is lower than that of a traditional sauna because the light from the emitters penetrates the skin and increases body temperature from the inside.

It takes time for a beginner to adjust to this type of heat, so a 30-minute session every alternate day is sufficient. Once your body adapts to the heat, you can use the infrared sauna for up to 60 minutes a day. 

Can I Use a Sauna Twice in One Day?

As we mentioned before, there is no definite answer to this question. How often you can use the sauna in a day depends on your age, tolerance to high temperatures and humidity, and health conditions.  

According to Gabriel Chabot, Co-Founder at Northern Saunas, using the sauna twice in one day is not recommended. But there is no harm in doing so once in a while.

The risks associated with using saunas more than once a day are headaches, heat strokes, electrolyte depletion, and dehydration that can be hazardous to your health. 

However, just like with everything else, balance is critical. If you make up for the lost electrolytes and hydrate your body after a sauna session, you can take a sauna bath more than once a day.

Regardless, if you have any existing health conditions, please ask your healthcare provider before doing so. 

The 5 Benefits of Sauna Baths

1. Improved blood circulation: Hot saunas make our blood vessels more flexible. This improves blood circulation, causes the oxygenation and detoxification of our tissues, and distributes essential nutrients to all parts of our bodies, including the skin, giving a healthy and glowing complexion. 

2. Toned muscles: Spending enough time in a sauna room can increase the frequency of your metabolic rate, helping you lose weight. A sauna session can also relieve joint pain and fatigue and loosen fat to reduce cellulite. 

3. Enhanced immune system: During a sauna session, your internal body temperature can rise to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, triggering a mock fever state. This stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies and white blood cells to fight diseases.

4. Improved sleep: For people recovering from insomnia, a sauna bath is a recommended treatment. 15 to 20 minutes in a sauna room is somewhat equal to 1 to 2 hours of brisk walking and can help you enhance the quality of your sleep.

5.Enhanced mental health: One of the most significant benefits of sauna baths is that they provide a relaxing experience that can help reduce daily stress. Studies have shown that frequent sauna sessions can enhance your mental precision.


Whether or not you can use the sauna twice in one day truly depends on your body’s ability to adapt to the heated environment. If you attend sauna sessions regularly and want to kick things up a notch, you can, after talking to your healthcare provider, take a sauna bath twice a day but keep an interval of at least 15 to 25 minutes between the two sessions.

Don’t forget to hydrate your body before hopping in again!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How Long Should I Stay in the Sauna?

A. It depends. Is your body accustomed to the heat in a sauna? If you are a beginner, do not stay in the sauna for more than 15 to 20 minutes. If you feel like your body can take more, gradually increase your time. However, the minute you start feeling dizzy or uncomfortable, please get out of the sauna.

Q2. How Often Should I Use an Infrared Sauna?

A. Infrared saunas are safe to use every day. You will see more improvements if you use it daily rather than infrequently. Most people partake in 3 to 4, 30 to 45-minute sessions each week.

Q3. Are There Any Side Effects of Using an Infrared Sauna Too Much?

A. The heat generated in an infrared sauna is artificial and can overheat your body, especially during a prolonged session. This can cause heat exhaustion, severe dehydration, and even heat strokes. Too much perspiration and not enough fluid intake to balance it can have adverse health effects. High temperatures may also cause some people to become dizzy or experience nausea, so remember not to overdo it.

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Neck and Shoulders

How Long Can You Use A TENS Unit?

TENS is an anagram for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator

These devices send small electrical pulses through several electrode patches that adhere to the skin. When the electrodes are placed around a painful area, an electrical pulse arcs through the target area, causing a slight buzzing or pulsing sensation. 

This electrical pulse causes your body to activate its natural self-defense mechanisms, releasing endorphins and pain-blockers to the area so that you no longer feel the inflammation that you used to. 

That’s great, non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical pain relief! How long can you use a TENS unit? How frequently should you use it?

When used correctly, TENS is a great way to train your brain to ignore pain so that you can power through movements that once caused you far more pain. In addition to this, TENS can also stimulate blood flow to the area, which can speed up the healing process, especially in hard-to-reach joints that are naturally slow-healing. 

However, the one thing that makes some people a bit nervous in regards to using a TENS unit is that it’s literally shocking you

In today’s article, we’ll discuss how long can you use a TENS unit, how frequently you should use it, and we’ll cover some of the other common safety concerns that first-time users often ask. 

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What are Tingsha Bells Used For?

For those who are not active in the Tibetan Buddhist community, nor participating in the worldwide interest in meditation and yoga, you might wonder, “What are Tingsha bells used for?

In this article, we will explain the various uses, as well as the origins and significance, of Tingsha bells.

Often used during Tibetan prayer rituals and for their soothing, healing-promoting sounds, Tingsha bells are beloved and significant objects of religious observance, cultural identity, and contemporary wellness practices.

These sturdy bells are shaped like small, thick cymbals and are stored in a protective pouch when not in use (to protect against corrosion). Tingsha bells are designed to act in perfectly balanced sound pairs connected to each other by a short cord which is often made of leather.

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TENS Unit Placement for Sciatica

Sciatica pain is debilitating and chronic. Suffers look for any way to relieve the pain and promote healing. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is an effective, affordable pain relief option for those with sciatic pain. 

In this article, we will help you to understand the correct TENS unit placement for sciatica treatment, whether you are using a TENS unit at home, at the office, when traveling, or in a professional therapy session.

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massage back

What are the Side Effects of Massage Chairs?

The Best Massage chairs can provide users with the benefit of relaxed muscles and the overall pleasant feeling of a massage. 

Many users depend on electric massage chairs for helping to relieve tense muscles. These are an excellent choice when compared to things like painkillers! Massage chairs, along with TENS units, topical heat and cooling, and other treatments.

Are there side effects of massage chairs? There can be, depending on the chair and massage design.

Some are designed to reproduce more traditional massaging techniques–like hot stones–while others offer their own unique sets of massaging implements and sequences behind the cushion. 

Overall, massage chairs provide comfort and pain relief to thousands of consumers. At the same time, however, many actual and potential users of these chairs wonder if there are any side effects they should know about. 

This article will discuss any side effects of massage chairs as well as other relevant information. It will also give an overview of the products relevant to this issue. 

After reading this question response, massage chair users should have a good understanding of the side effects of these devices.   

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How To Use A Charcoal Incense Burner

Using a charcoal censer  to burn raw aromatic ingredients is a fun and easy incense-burning technique. Users love it for its customizable, personal quality, and the way it lets them be more involved in scent selection. 

This involvement requires a few more items and steps than simply burning an incense stick would, but many consider this extra effort worth it. 

Many wonder how to use a charcoal incense burner. It’s definitely more complicated than igniting a stick, but it’s not hard.

This article will go over the steps necessary to successfully use a charcoal incense burner, and what items users will need to do so. Finally, this overview will answer some of the questions related to using charcoal incense burners. 

After reading this overview of the procedure, any incense-lover should know how to use a charcoal incense burner. 

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incense smoke

How To Put Out Incense Safely

Burning incense and enjoying the soothing aromas they produce can be extremely rewarding. Incense provides demonstrated aromatherapeutic benefits. Extinguishing burning incense, on the other hand, is not as much fun!

And not all incense users know how to put it out at all. 

In this article, we’re going to look at how to put out incense.

Being able to do this is helpful since some people don’t burn entire incense sticks or cones at once. Snuffing one out and saving partially used incense sticks and cones for later is an excellent money-saving technique. 

This article will lead readers through the necessary steps of safely putting out both incense cones and sticks. It will also discuss common questions related to putting out incense.

Extinguishing incense cones and sticks should be easy after reading this article. 

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How Much Does A Sauna Cost To Run? (Electric and Infrared)

Home saunas offer the benefits of a relaxing, soothing activity while studies have also shown that saunas give users an equivalent experience to cardiovascular exercise. 

Before making a decision on whether to pay for a sauna installation, many consumers will want to know what the cost of operating a home sauna is. This article will answer the question ‘how much does a sauna cost to run?’ 

The heat and steam from a sauna are known for helping exfoliate the skin by enlarging pores and bringing oils, dirt, and toxins to the surface. In addition, there is evidence that regular sauna users have healthier cardiovascular and circulatory systems. 

These benefits are usually enough to attract many people into the heat and steam, and some consumers have even decided to install saunas into their homes. 

But saunas can use a lot of power. How much do they cost to run?

That depends on the type of sauna, and the amount of power required. This article will look cover that. And we also need to discuss the potential costs of installing dedicated electric power for a sauna.

After reading this article consumers should have a good idea of what the costs of operating a sauna are.

How Much Does A Sauna Cost To Run? The Short Answer(s)

Below is information on the operating costs of both electric saunas and infrared ones. While both saunas run on electricity, more traditional electric saunas do not have infrared heating elements, which are more efficient. 

So overall, infrared saunas are cheaper to run than more traditional electric ones. The estimations of the actual operating costs for either kind are discussed below.

Electric Saunas 

Electric steam saunas use hot elements to create steam when water is poured on hot sauna rocks. These types of saunas have become quite popular for their relative ease of operation compared to wood-burning saunas. 

These types of saunas are easy to maintain too, and many users find the steam from them preferable to wood-burning sauna steam.

Moreover, the safety risks associated with electric steam saunas are much lower than those associated with saunas that burn wood. 

The cost of using an electric sauna is also arguably lower than wood-burning ones. The price of using one for an hour or so each day per month is 80 to 150 dollars, depending on the cost of electricity. 

Although these saunas are easy to use, they are not as energy efficient as infrared saunas, so operating costs might be about double compared to saunas with infrared heating. 

Installation costs for Electric Saunas

Depending on the type of sauna stove you choose, you may land on a 110v or 220v stove. A 110v stove will plug into a standard electric outlet, and will be much cheaper to run.

A 220v stove will require a special plug that could cost upwards of $1000 to install. It also must be installed by a licensed electrician. And that 220v stove will draw a lot more power than a 110v will.

Of course, it will work a lot better, too!

Infrared Saunas 

Infrared saunas are known to be more energy-efficient than traditional electric and wood-burning saunas. This is because infrared heat can directly heat occupants of a sauna rather than just the air around them. 

See Types of saunas for more information.

Moreover, traditional saunas will take about thirty minutes to heat up after turning on, while infrared ones take only about ten minutes. They are also praised for the minimal fire risk compared to wood-burning and even electric saunas. 

The cost of operating one of these (infrared) saunas ranges from about forty to seventy-five dollars, depending on the cost of electricity (per KWh) as well as the wattage of the given infrared sauna. 

Smaller infrared saunas which only hold a couple of people typically have a wattage of below 1.6 kW.

This design allows standard power chords to be used with them. Larger saunas can have 3.0-4.0 wattages, which requires more special wiring and chords. 


Saunas are relaxing environments that also provide muscle and skincare benefits, so it is no surprise that some consumers have decided to install them in their own homes. 

This eliminates the need for travel to and from public saunas, which can often be inconvenient and, for various reasons, uncomfortable.

Home saunas provide users with superior control and comfort compared to public ones. 

However many consumers are not sure how to calculate the costs of running home saunas. Although the cost of the sauna itself may be low, some people are surprised about the cost of electricity for running them, especially traditional electric ones. 

These types of saunas can cost over one hundred dollars a month to use if used consistently. On the other hand, infrared home saunas are more energy-efficient, since they can heat occupants directly rather than just the air around them.  

Costs of operating one of these saunas range from thirty-five to sixty-five or seventy dollars a month, depending on electricity prices. Moreover, the wattage of a given home sauna will also affect their cost to run. 

Saunas that have a wattage below 1.6 kW use less energy and thus will be cheaper to run than bigger saunas with 3 or for kW. 

After reading this article, anyone who enjoys a home sauna should be able to make a decision on the variety that is best for them and their finances. 

And while you’re doing the math, be sure to include the possible cost of wiring and setting up the sauna. If you’re choosing a sauna with a 220v stove, installation costs will be much higher.

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How Do Backflow Incense Burners Work?

Many consumers of aromatherapy products find themselves asking: how do backflow incense burners work

The answer, of course, is magic. Or maybe it’s technology.

Either way, backflow incense burners are amazing.

These products can be very easy to use and enjoyable when operated skilfully. They are often artfully crafted and create backflow incense smoke by burning incense cones with holes drilled down their centers. 

The smoke from the burning incense travels down the small hollow core of the vertically aligned cone and is ‘pushed down’ by the smoke behind it, creating viscous, waterfall-like effects. 

So while incense sticks are convenient and smell great, backflow burners are more a permanent, decorative type of incense-burning product. 

This how-to article will go over the basic steps of operating this form of incense burner, as well as how they work and common questions about them. 

These products are overall fairly simple and easy to use, so any consumer should find using them easy after reading this guide. 

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Incense Sticks

Does Incense Smell Go Away? How Long Does it Take?

We’ve all been in a house or shop where the incense smell permeates everything. It can feel oppressive and intense, musty, and unpleasant.

Does incense smell go away? How long does incense smell last? This article will look at how long the incense smell lasts, and It will also describe some of the products that are relevant to this topic. 

Since scents contribute to the creation of an atmosphere, they may also not always feel appropriate.

After reading this article, anyone who likes to burn incense should have a good understanding of what to expect from burning incense, as well as whether and how long incense aromas last.

Does Incense Smell Go Away? How Long Does it Take? Read More »

Does Incense Hurt Plants?

Burning incense can be a stress-reducing and enjoyable experience, while the aromas produced are enjoyable in themselves. Many consumers include in their relaxation routine burning incense sticks or cones, or raw resin aromatics

But while the benefits of burning incense now and then for humans are well established, many consumers wonder if incense smoke or ash is bad for houseplants. 

This article will answer question of ‘does incense hurt plants?’, and will provide all the important information related to houseplant care for people who burn incense. 

This is an important issue to anyone wanting to create a comfortable atmosphere in their homes through the use of foliage as well as scents. 

After reading this article, anyone who wants to take care of their plants while creating an aromatic space in their home should have a good idea of how to proceed. 

Does Incense Hurt Plants? Read More »

sauna with stones

Does Adding Water To A Sauna Make It Hotter?

Many people love using the sauna for its many benefits. Saunas offer the benefits of a relaxing, calming activity that can also provide users with something akin to a cardiovascular workout. 

At the same time, however, many newbies don’t really know how to operate a sauna, other than by simply being inside.

This article will answer the question ‘does adding water to a sauna make it hotter?’, and provide some information related to this topic. It’ll also discuss some of the products that are relevant to this issue. 

Many people who use saunas simply assume that adding water will make it hotter without actually considering whether this is the case!

After reading this overview, anyone who enjoys entering a sauna should know how to properly use sauna water.

Does Adding Water To A Sauna Make It Hotter? Read More »

Do Essential Oil Diffusers Set Off Fire Alarms?

Essential oil diffusers are a popular and attractive addition to any room. Brightening the mood through a pleasant look and calming aroma, a diffuser is a sought-after home décor piece. They’re everywhere now!

But are there hidden dangers lurking under the diffuser’s simplicity? At the very least, will your home’s smoke detector be triggered by the stream emitted by the diffuser? Do essential oil diffusers set off fire alarms?

Is there an inherent fire safety risk in using a diffuser?

In this article, we’ll look at oil diffusers and fire alarms.

Do Essential Oil Diffusers Set Off Fire Alarms? Read More »