How To Cleanse Crystals With Incense Sticks

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As more and more people explore the esoteric arts, one of the ways many find themselves connecting to nature is through crystals. Sure, crystals are beautiful to look at. But there are many amazing properties that these mystical stones have to offer. 

Crystals come in many shapes, and sizes, and the powers they hold have mesmerized many over the centuries. However, part of taking care of your crystals means cleansing them of any negative energy that they may have accumulated. 

In this article, I’ll show you how to cleanse crystals with incense sticks.

There are many ways to cleanse your crystals, including exposing them to the full moon or sunlight, washing them in clear water, or using incense sticks.

Let’s explore how it works!

Can You Cleanse Crystals With Incense?

Yes, it is possible to cleanse your crystals with incense. This is one of the ways that many people choose to do so. Also known as recharging the crystals, it is believed that because they can become clogged up with the negative energy they pull from the environment over time, this is a necessary practice. 

So, this is why recharging your crystals on a regular basis is a good thing to do, and will ensure that the crystals maintain all of the energetic healing properties that they possess naturally. 

Burning incense has been used by many people over the centuries for cleaning purposes.

This is because incense smoke is believed to contain purifying properties that work to cleanse our bodies, other objects, and the environment. This is the reason why many choose to recharge their crystals with their healing smoke.

Once someone decides that they want a crystal (or five!), many people generally choose to purchase rose quartz, clear quartz, selenite, amethyst, obsidian, and black tourmaline. These are some of the most common gemstones among crystal fans, as well as the ones that are used most for spiritual protection, self-care, positive energy, and absorbing negative energy.

Incense smoke is believed to contain purifying properties that work to cleanse our bodies, other objects, and the environment. This is the reason why many choose to recharge their crystals with their healing smoke.

This means that you’ll definitely want to cleanse these crystals on a regular basis, if you own them, in order to consistently benefit from the healing properties that they offer, although cleansing all of your crystals regularly is good practice.

Note that many people believe crystal healing to be a placebo, and therefore cleansing crystals will do nothing. That’s fine if you believe that. Just because something might be a placebo does not necessarily mean it doesn’t work. If you believe it, it will work for you!

Choosing The Right Incense For Your Crystals

Because each crystal has its own healing properties, it would be easy to assume that different incense sticks will work with different crystals.

However, this is not the case.

Since many people believe that white sage or blue sage smudge sticks, sandalwood, copal, palo santo, and lavender possess the strongest cleansing properties, they generally use these particular incense varieties for their crystal recharging purposes.

However, you can use any incense stick scent that you prefer to cleanse your crystals. Whether that’s any of the above-mentioned herbal essences, or other popular fragrances, such as Nag Champa, which has a sweet smell. It is the most widely used incense, due to its use in yoga studios all over the world.

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  • Brand - Satya Sai Baba
  • Fragrance - Nag Champa
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Last update on 2025-02-22 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

And then there’s, which you may remember from the story of Jesus and the three wise men, which is also widely used for cleansing rituals using incense.

How To Cleanse Crystals With Incense Sticks

To begin your crystal recharging ritual, place the end of your chosen incense stick in the hole of a clean incense burner. Light the incense end of the stick, and allow the flame to burn for a few seconds before gently blowing it out.

You can also use a fan to do this if you prefer.

If you don’t have own a dedicated incense burner, then you could make your own holder by filling a small cup or bowl with uncooked rice, sand, salt, or a combination of the three, and then insert the bottom of stick, so that it stands up in the receptacle, which can also catch any falling ash.

Now that you have your incense ready, lay your crystals out and then circle the incense in a clockwise motion over them, allowing the smoke to pass over them, and settle.

Alternatively, you can put all of your crystals in another bowl and hold that over the incense, so that the smoke from incense envelops the bowl. Another way is to cleanse each crystal one by one, by holding it in your hand, and then passing that through the smoke.

Now that you have your incense ready, lay your crystals out and then circle the incense in a clockwise motion over them, allowing the smoke to pass over them, and settle.

It’s important to remember that whatever incense you choose to use for cleansing your crystals, and whichever way you find suits your purposes, you need to make sure that you use the incense wisely. 

This means that you’ll need to make sure the room you perform the cleansing in is well-ventilated. So don’t forget to open a window

If you don’t open a window, then the smoke emitted from the incense can accumulate rapidly, and it has the potential to cause respiratory problems, especially if you already have issues like asthma, you are pregnant, or there are small children in the vicinity.

Crystal Clear

Whether you carry them in your pocket or purse, choose to wear crystal jewelry, or have a giant cluster that decorates your bedroom drawer, keeping your crystals cleansed is an important ritual that you should do on a regular basis.

And that’s because the healing properties that they can provide for you and your space will only happen if they aren’t clogged with negative energies. There are a few ways to cleanse your crystals, but using the smoke from burning incense is one of the easiest to do. 

Now that you know how to cleanse crystals with incense sticks after reading this blog, you can play around with using your favorite scents to clear away negative energy vibrations from the healing gems that you love so much.

In this way, you can benefit from the positive vibes that they can provide both you and your surroundings.